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OpenAI presented bot-hq with a range of challenging tasks, featuring tight latency requirements, substantial ambiguity, and instances of incorrect answers. In turn, bot-hq collaborated closely to tailor their QA systems to our specific requirements.

John Lawson

Member of Technical Staff

Trusted by the world‘s most ambitious teams

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Frequently Asked Questions

We offer same-day support, promptly monitoring and implementing your change requests into your bot and platform. Rest assured, you will always stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and innovations, as we manage this for you

The simplest approach is to create separate bots, each configured to your specifications. To enable enterprise-level permissions and data segregation, we recommend upgrading to the Business or Enterprise plan.

Your data is completely secure with us. We ensure 100% protection through robust security measures, safeguarding your information at all times. Trust us to maintain the highest standards of data security.

Yes, if a system has API access, we can integrate its data into your bot. The integration fee is $500 per platform unless you are on the Enterprise plan, which includes unlimited integrations at no additional cost.

You can downgrade to a $35/month plan to maintain your data, ensuring it remains safe for future use. If you choose to cancel entirely, all your data will be permanently erased at the end of your billing period.